Darkcide "Summer" litter 2023
Sire- Multi Best exhibit in Specialty Show, Multi Runner-up in Specialty Show, Multi V1 rated, Breed Survey Pass NRC(A) Champion & Australian Champion ECLIPSEN DARKSIDE OF THE MOON (NOTCH)
Dam- VP1 Minor Puppy Bitch & Best Minor Puppy in Specialty Show DARKCIDE CALIFORNIA HOT CHILLI (LAYLA)
We welcomed 9 gorgeous puppies on the 12th Nov, 5 boys & 4 girls.

24 hours old.
First born Miss Peach, now know as "MIKA" owned by Jaime. Darkcide Summer Night City.
2nd born Miss Red, now know as "GYPSY" owned by Jenny Bristow (Eclipsen Rottweilers) Darkcide Black Summer Rain
3rd born Miss Pink, now known as "XANADU", owned by Darkcide Rottweilers Darkcide Hot Summer Nights.
4th born, Mr Green, now known as "BURRITO" owned by Darkcide Rottweilers, Darkcide Summer Of Sixty Nine.
5th born, Mr Yellow, now known as "ZEUS" owned by Emilee, Darkcide Summer Time Blues.
6th born, Mr Black Polka Dot, now known as "FRANKIE" owned by Jackson & Rose, Darkcide Summer Night Cruize.
7th born, Mr Blue, now known as "DUTCH" owned by Wayne, Darkcide Dirty Black Summer.
8th born, Mr Gold, now known as "GINO" owned by Jake & Yen. Darkcide Boys Of Summer.
9th born, Miss Purple, now known as "MINNIE" owned by Ali, Darkcide Sweet Summer Lovin.
I bottle fed this baby from the time he was born due to a hair lip, the bond is very strong, meet baby BURRITO.
Minnie at scent training, owned by Ali.
Minnie at Dog Obedience
Frankie after graduating puppy school, owned by Jackson & Rose
Gino graduated Dog school in style, pictured with his owner Jake.
Minnie will now be known as Darkcide Sweet Summer Lovin RN after gaining her Rally Novice title thanks to the work her owner Ali puts in